Join us for a series of daily reflections delivered right to your email inbox! Each day of the week will provide inspiration and ideas to make this a Lenten season that calls you into a deeper relationship with Christ. You’ll hear from a variety of people who are missionary disciples, with gifts to share so that Christ is more known and loved. Wherever you are in your faith journey, these Lenten daily reflections will fill your spirit.

Each day will have a particular focus:

o Mercy Monday
o Teaching Tuesday
o Witness Wednesday
o Thirsting Thursday
o Forgiving Friday
o Stick with It Saturday
o Sacred Sunday

Lenten Reflections


Grace Of God Does Not Disappoint April 17, 2022

The Greatest Liturgy April 16, 2022

Good Friday April 15, 2022

Evening Mass of the Lord April 14, 2022

Who has been a witness in your life April 13, 2022

The Church Born from the Side of Christ April 12, 2022

For I was hungry and you gave me food April 11, 2022

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday April 10, 2022

Forgiveness for the Unthinkable April 8, 2022

You are made for a relationship with God April 7, 2022

The life of Jesus brought dignity to women in ways that still resonate with us today April 6, 2022

Easter Duty April 5, 2022

You are redeemed April 3, 2020

Today is stick with it Saturday April 2, 2022

Forgiving Others Who Seek Forgiveness April 1, 2022

Which Character are You March 31, 2022

What about our young people March 30, 2022

Recognizing God March 29, 2022

Mercy through Mary March 28, 2022

Rooted in Christ March 27, 2022

Talking together March 26, 2022

Forgiveness While Being Judged or Judging Others March 25, 2022

Graves into Gardens March 24, 2022

Witness Wednesday March 23, 2022

A Math Lesson in Forgiveness March 22, 2022

A Striking Comparison March 21, 2022

Lenten Mysteries March 20, 2022

Stick with it Saturday March 19, 2022

Holding On Until You Are Ready to Forgive March 18, 2022

Spiritual Thirst March 17, 2022

Witness Wednesday March 16, 2022

Grounded in Humility March 15, 2022 

Jesus, I trust in You! March 14, 2022

In the Rosary, God brings Himself to Us March 13, 2022

Persevering through Tough Times March 12, 2022

God is All Forgiving March 11, 2022

Thirsting Thursday March 10, 2022

Witness Story March 9, 2022

Teach Us to Pray March 8, 2022

The Light is On for You March 7, 2022

Feeding Your Family’s Soul March 6, 2022

Seasons of Consolation and Desolation March 5, 2022

Forgiving Yourself March 4, 2022

I Thirst for You March 3, 2022 

Reflection for Ash Wednesday March 2, 2022


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