Ezra 10:4 Men’s Discernment Retreat

Holy Family Spiritual Renewal Center
151 Old Newport Street

October 11-12, 2024 

For more information and to register, click HERE.

“Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, but we will be with you; be courageous and act.”
-Ezra 10:4

In the Book of Ezra in the Old Testament, the Israelites are returning after many years of exile. Away from their Temple, away from their homeland, away from the presence of God. Ezra the priest is called, in an uncertain time, to proclaim God’s word to his people. Every one of God’s children has a calling, a vocation, a purpose in life. Among those vocations is the call to serve as a diocesan priest. Like Ezra, the priest sets aside his own plans and devotes his life to the preaching of God’s word and the service of his people.

  • Have you ever felt called to follow a plan greater than your own?
  • When you hear God’s word, are you filled with a desire to share it?
  • Do you, like Ezra, want to lay down your life to minister to God’s people?
  • Are you drawn to the responsibility of the priesthood?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, God may be calling you to serve his people as a priest. Where do you go from here?

  • First and foremost, listen to God’s voice in prayer. He is calling you no less clearly than Ezra was called in the verse above.
  • Connect with your parish priest and become active in the life of your faith community through the sacraments, service, and fellowship.
  • Check out the material available on this site and our social media accounts for more information about events and discernment tips.
  • Reach out to our vocation director, Fr. Alex Roche, or any of the assistant vocation directors listed on our site for a conversation.
  • Trust that your God has a plan for you, that he sustains you through it all, and that he is inviting you to be courageous and act.

To get in touch with the Vocations Office, please email info@dioceseofscranton.org or contact Father Alex Roche, our Diocesan Director of Vocations and Seminarians, or one of our Assistant Vocation Directors.

We are here to support you every step of the way!


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