The Diocese of Scranton encourages advocacy on local, statewide, and national levels. As Catholics, we are called to represent our moral beliefs in the political realm. For more information on Catholic Political Life, please see our webpage on Faithful Citizenship.
The Diocesan Advocacy Team lobbies state and national legislators on important issues regarding Respect for Life and Dignity of the Human Person. We believe that this value forms the foundation for all of our moral beliefs and is the center of our Catholic Social Teaching.
In our most recent advocacy effort, we collected postcards from each of the 118 parishes in the Diocese of Scranton and delivered them to our national legislators. The cards included a message from the People of the Diocese detailing our commitment to respecting life from conception until natural death. We would like to encourage all of our senators and representatives to keep our values in mind as they begin the 2019 Legislative Session.
Resources and Contact Info:
If you are interested in joining the Diocesan Advocacy Team, please contact Shannon Kowalski at the Office for Parish Life.
To find your State Legislators, follow the map linked here.
To find your Congressional Representative, enter your zip code here.
To learn more about Catholic Social Teaching, check out our diocesan website here.