Welcome to February – a big month for celebrating and praying for vocations! Yesterday, the Church recognized World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life, and Friday will kick off National Marriage Week. With vocations at the forefront of our minds this February, we invite you to join us in praying for vocations at XLT Eucharistic Adoration at any or all three of our Vocation Centers this month:
- 7pm Thursday, February 6th St. Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin
- Join us this Thursday to pray for vocations before the Blessed Sacrament. Deacon Ricky Bevington, CSC, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre is our guest speaker! Priests will also be available for Confession. A social with refreshments will follow Adoration.
- 6:30pm Wednesday, February 26th Christ the King Parish, Archbald
- 7pm Sunday, February 23rd St. Matthew Parish, East Stroudsburg
We hope to see you this Thursday! Have a great week.
Calling all Young Adults! With the New Year approaching, I’m sure we could all benefit from some renewal. Join us for a Day Retreat to start off the New Year by being renewed in Christ! Saturday, January 4, 2025, for ages 21-40, at Saint Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin.
Doors open at 1:30pm, $10 donation at the door.
RSVP to Bridget Guarnieri at familylife@dioceseofscranton.org
May 18. Pentecost Celebration hosted by the Diocese of Scranton Catholic Charismatic Renewal with songs of praise, prayers for healing and inspiring teaching at St Maria Goretti Church, 42 Redwood Dr., Laflin, PA.
The Rev. Joseph Ita-Sam, CM from Akwa-Ibom State in Nigeria will be the guest speaker. He has been on Mission to the United States since 2018 and is stationed as parochial vicar in St Vincent DePaul Church, Germantown, PA. Doors open at 8:30 AM with coffee and donuts. .
To register for a hoagie for lunch, call Cathy Best 570-406-3015 or Joyce Hudak 570-735-1068, or online https://ccrscranton.org/news/pentecost-celebration.
All are welcome!
March 7, 2024
07:00 pm
St. Maria Goretti Church
42 Redwood Drive
The evening incudes Eucharistic Adoration, a speaker, music, the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a social (First Thursday of the month 7pm at St. Maria Goretti Church, Laflin). There will not be XLT on Thursday, July 4, 2024.
May 2, 2024
07:00 pm
St. Maria Goretti Church
42 Redwood Drive
The evening incudes Eucharistic Adoration, a speaker, music, the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a social (First Thursday of the month 7pm at St. Maria Goretti Church, Laflin). There will be no XLT on Thursday, July 4, 2024.
When: 3:00—6:00pm Fridays during Lent
Where: St. Maria Goretti, Laflin Parish Grounds
Cost: 3 for $5.00, 6 for $12, 12 for $20—Take out only
Holiday Gift and Craft Fair
St. Maria Goretti Parish Hall
Sat. & Sun., Nov 11th & 12th, 9:00am—3:00pm
25+ Vendors, Food Stand, Bake Sale and Specialty Basket & Gift Raffle.
The raffle begins the weekend of the Pasta Supper and continues through the craft fair.
Winners chosen at the end of the Craft Fair.
Facilities are Handicapped Accessible
Ample & Free Parking