Gate of Heaven Church is holding a Meatloaf Dinner and Basket Raffle on Saturday November 5th.  Serving from 4 to 7 PM. Dinner is take out only and includes Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Applesauce and Dessert all for only $12.00.

Tickets are on sale now, they are available at Gate of Heaven Church or by calling the church office at 670-675-2121.

We have a fabulous assortment of Baskets to be raffled off. Basket Raffle Tickets are 7 Tickets for $5.

Please enjoy this slideshow of our fantastic Baskets!

Gate of Heaven Church Dallas, PA is holding our 2022 MEGA Raffle. We have 53 prizes valued at over $5,600 to be raffled off.

Tickets are only $10 Each.

With each ticket you purchase you have a chance of winning one of our 53 Prizes.

Tickets are on sale now, call the office at 570-675-2121 or message me for Tickets. You do not need to be present to win.

Drawing will be held on Sunday July 17, 2022.  Check out these AWESOME Cash, Gift Cards and other Prizes!!

Cornhole Event at Gate of Heaven Gymnasium has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 23 starting at 11:00 and will run through the afternoon.  Registrations will be from 10-11:00 a.m. that morning and the cost is $50/team (2 persons).  Each team will have at least 2 matches as it is double elimination. There are 2 classes of teams: Competitive and Social.  Prizes will be given to winners.  Refreshments will be available for purchase during this exciting day of friendly competition.

The event is being sponsored by the Knights of Columbus to raise funds for this year’s Coats For Kids campaign.

Advance registration will be appreciated by email to  Questions could be directed to Bill Leandri at 570-417-1212.

Pictured sitting are Chairpersons Robert Manganello, Paul and Renee Benedetti. Second row is Drew Regan and Carol Carroll. Missing in the photo are Wayne Frederick, Patty Price and Joe Kelly.

Gate of Heaven Parish, 40 Machell Avenue, Dallas, PA is having a homemade Meatloaf Dinner on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 from 4 to 7pm. Take out or drive through pick up only.

Tickets are $12.00 each and can be purchased by calling GOH at 570-675-2121 and are also sold in the church office on Monday thru Friday 10am to 3pm and at both masses on the weekend.

All tickets are pre-sold. Included in the meal is delicious meatloaf, mashed potatoes, applesauce, green beans, dinner roll w/butter and dessert.


July 19-23; Youth Liturgy on July 25

09:30 am

40 Machell Ave.

Summer Youth Music Camp for singers age 8-15. Camp meets daily from 9:30 AM – Noon and includes choir rehearsals, snacks and games.

Meatloaf Dinner on Saturday, November 14th.

Take outs only. Pick up 4-7pm. $12 per meal. Meal includes meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, applesauce, string beans, dinner roll & butter, and dessert. Proceeds to benefit Gate of Heaven Church.


Contact Phone Number for more information
(570) 675-2121
Contact Email Address for more information