Knights of Lithuania Council 143, Pittston Celebrated the feast of Saint Casimir
Home / 2024 News / Knights of Lithuania Council 143, Pittston Celebrated the feast of Saint Casimir
Pictured are Council, Amber District, Supreme officers, members and guests. Front row, from left to right, Mary Lidaka, Tom Wierbowski – Amber District Vice President, Linda Savinski, Annalyse Towns, Judy Stodolny, Barbara Miller – Amber District President, Anne Marie Distin- 4 th Degree recipient, Dennis Palladino, Mary Claire Voveris- 4 th Degree recipient, Janet Palladino, Eileen Kelly and Beverly Harnen. Second row, from left to right, Mary Portelli, June Supey, Les Distin – 3 rd Degree recipient, Tom Miller – Amber District Secretary, Elaine Elko, Don Waxmonsky, Shirley Skamarakus, Joe Francik and Mike Loncoski. Third row, from left to right, John Kovaleski, Irene Kovaleski, Fran Siklus, Marlene Warren – Supreme Financial Secretary, Sue Robinson – Amber District Trustee , Sylvia Waxmonsky, Steve Tichy – Amber District Trustee, Bill Sodnik, Camille Stanis and Larry Domalakes – Amber District Treasurer.
Knights of Lithuania Council 143, Pittston, PA celebrated the feast of St. Casimir with a Mass held on Sunday, March 3 at St. John the Evangelist Church in Pittston. Third and fourth degrees were also conferred at the Mass. A luncheon and Amber District meeting in the Monsignor Bendik Center followed the service.