on the Nativity of Our Lord Parish Picnic Grounds at Holy Rosary
127 Stephenson Street, Duryea
Friday, July 14, 5:30 to 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 15, 5:30-11:00 p.m.
Live Entertainment: John Stevens Polka Band on Friday and The Wells River Band on Saturday
Something for Everyone! Plenty of tent seating!!!
Enjoy homemade foods, Polish favorites, wings and pizza, and more!
Refresh yourself at our bar or have an ice cream float! Try your luck at our Cash Bingo, or at any of our games of chance – you could go home a winner! Homemade baked goods, desserts, and an Indoor Flea Market!
Parking? No problem…with the help of the Duryea VFW Post 1227 also on Stephenson Street, you can take our convenient shuttle bus right to the picnic entrance! We hope to see you there!
Come Join Us – Enjoy and Have Fun!
Early Bird Flea Market open Thursday, July 13, from 5:30-8:30 pm In Holy Rosary School Auditorium
Many items to choose from: small furniture, vintage decorations, glassware, vinyl records, books, small appliances, gadgets, yard items, and much, much more!!!!
Check us out at Nativity of Our Lord Parish or online at