Rev. Connell A. McHugh, Pastor Emeritus of Good Shepherd, will for the 18th consecutive year offer a series of Scripture presentations in the church hall for 5 consecutive Wednesdays beginning on February 21st.
The presentations will begin at 9 AM and Fr. McHugh’s topic will be the Gospel of Mark.
He will treat the identity of Mark, sources and date composition of the Gospel, major themes, Jesus’ healing ministry, titles of Jesus in Mark, the original and added ending of the Gospel, theological ideas in the Gospel, The Messianic Secret, etc. Father McHugh will show how Mark’s Gospel stresses the humanity of Jesus more than any other Gospel, his Passion Narrative, the most sorrowful and how Mark is the chief source for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. A special session will be held on Mark’s Passion Narrative.
The scripture sessions are open to the public free of charge. Because of the large attendance at these sessions, we ask that you register since notes will be provided.
You may register by calling the office at 570-788-3141 or by stopping in the office.
Rev. Connell A. McHugh, Pastor Emeritus of Good Shepherd, Drums will offer Fall Scripture Presentations in the church hall beginning, October 25 at 9AM and running for 4 consecutive Wednesdays: November 1, 8, and 15 in addition to the open session.
The first two presentations will be on The Last Things and treat such topics as death in scripture, near death experiences, life after death, particular and final judgment. Fr. McHugh will also treat heaven, hell, limbo and purgatory. He also will speak of what happens to infants, children after death. There will also be some short reflections on the Anti-Christ, Angels, Ghosts, Satan and his surnames. Father McHugh will examine miracles in his third and fourth presentations. He will offer a history of belief and unbelief in miracles throughout the centuries. Father will look at the different types of miracles, the meaning of Jesus’ miracles, their historicity and symbolism, a few authors who are skeptical of miracles such as Rudolf Bultmann and David Hume.
The public is invited to attend free of charge. Although walk-ins are welcome, pre-registration is preferred by calling the Parish Office at 570-788-3141.
Good Shepherd Church, 87 South Hunter Highway in Drums, will host its annual Summer Festival July 14-16 on the church grounds. Please note the date change to the third weekend of July! The festival will be held Friday, July 14 from 5-10 p.m., Saturday, July 15 from 1-10 p.m. and Sunday, July 16 from 1-7 p.m.
Entertainment includes North of 40 (Friday from 6-9 p.m.), Autumn Falls Entertainment (Saturday from 1-2:30 p.m.), Late Arrivals (Saturday from 3-6 p.m.), Kartune (Saturday from 6:30-9:30 p.m.), a fireworks display (Saturday from 9:30-10 p.m.) and Alibi (Sunday from 2-6 p.m.).
It will feature all your favorite festival foods including chicken fingers, haluski, halupki, sausage and pepper hoagies, pierogies, potato pancakes, pulled pork, steak hoagies, and more; plus beer, wine coolers, water, and soda. Activities include games for kids & adults, bounce house, face painting by “Just Plain Crazy Face Art,” tricky trays, raffle, and more.