In a 70 year tradition of inspiring prayer and meditation through music, the Catholic Choral Society will present their annual Lenten Concert in Dickson City, PA.

The  concert will be held on Sunday, March 13th at 3 PM at The Church of the  Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, St. Mary’s Church, 1090 Carmalt St., Dickson City, PA. The pastor is Rev. Patrick J. Pratico. Snow date for the concert is Sunday, March 20, 2020 at 3PM.

The concerts are open to the public free of charge. There will be a free will offering. Brenda Grunza is president of the Catholic Choral Society. Ann Manganiello is music director of the chorus ; Kimberly Gnall is accompanist. The group, marking its 72nd season, is composed of  members from Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wayne, Susquehanna and Wyoming counties who will perform inspirational music in the Lenten tradition at the March concerts. Further information may be obtained by calling 570-575-1040 and also at