SCRANTON – During Lent, Saint Paul’s words to the Colossians are very appropriate: “Whatever you do, do from the heart.”
The Diocese of Scranton is blessed to have so many people putting these words into action.
The generosity of so many people who have supported the Diocesan Annual Appeal testifies to the powerful hope we can bring to the lives of so many in northeastern and north-central Pennsylvania when we trust in Christ.

Now, more than ever, we need your continued support!
Our current campaign has now reached 85-percent of its goal ($3.84 million of $4.5 million goal) but we need all faithful to participate to ensure that we get to 100-percent – and make sure there is funding for the vital ministries of our diocese that no one parish can provide on its own.
For example, in 2023, your gifts helped feed more than 107-thousand people at Saint Vincent de Paul Kitchen in Wilkes-Barre alone.
Within the last month we welcomed one new seminarian – Peter Stec – so we now have 11 young men studying for the priesthood. Your generous response to the Diocesan Annual Appeal provides support that allows them to focus on their formation.
And as we head towards Easter – our Parish Life Office stands ready to assist the 177 people from our parishes who will fully join the Catholic Church in just a few weeks.
None of this work can happen without you.
During this Lenten season – please ask yourself how God is calling you to give of yourself to others.
Your gifts go solely to support Catholic ministries, including: formation and education of seminarians, support of retired and ill clergy, Catholic Social Services, Catholic education, Catholic communication efforts, Parish Life Initiatives as well as Faith Formation and Social Justice grants to parishes.
We invite you to prayerfully consider renewing your commitment to the Diocesan Annual Appeal this year.
The Diocese of Scranton has four easy ways to give your immediate support to our families, students, and those in need.
First, you can use your cell phone and scan the QR code below right now.
Second, you can visit to make your gift or learn more about all of the Catholic ministries your gift supports.
Third, you can call our Development Office directly at (570) 207-2250 to make a pledge over the phone.
Or you can mail a check payable to “Diocesan Annual Appeal” to 300 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503.
May God bless you for your continued generosity.