PECKVILLE – As part of its outreach to the larger community, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church opened the doors of its parish center recently to the Family Pharmacy in the Mid Valley area. The pharmacy needed space to administer hundreds of COVID-19 vaccinations.
Since the facilities at the pharmacy are limited, the 20-year-old parish center at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, with its large hall and six modern meeting rooms, proved to be a perfect setting for the distribution of first and second-dose shots of the Moderna vaccine.
Father Andrew Kurovsky, pastor, stated, “Our parish motto is ‘The Round Church Where There’s Room for Everyone,’ so it only made sense to open our doors to the larger community and do what we can to reach out during the pandemic to those in need, even beyond our walls. However, while we provide the space, those who qualify and desire vaccines need to contact Family Pharmacy directly.”

This year is special for the growing church community because it is celebrating its 75th anniversary as a parish!