Lackawanna County Mens and Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Celebrated the Feast of Saint Brigid
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Front row left to right Doreen Gilbride, Ellen Perry, Nori Conner, Lynn Walsh, Eucharistic minister; Patty Gaughan, Amanda Gavin, Mary Ann Abdo, Lector; Maureen Wallace, Nancy Earyes, Kathy Connor, Karen Savage. Second row Judy Krell, Kathy McDonnell, Mary Jane Sears, Terese Pelligrino, Pat Savitts, Deacon Paul Jennings, Father Richard Fox, Sister Kathleen Smith, Sister Terese Marques, Carolynn Wahl, Nancy Yavoroski Third row Jeff Sears, Paul Hart, Conal McHugh, Mary Anne McAndrew, Gennette Rotherforth, Mary Claire Kingsley, Mary Connor, Mary Ellen Richards
On Saturday January 27th members of the Lackawanna County Mens and Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians celebrated the Feast of Saint Brigid, at the Parish Community of St Patrick Church in Scranton.
LAOH County Board Officer, Maureen Wallace was our Lector at St. Brigid’s Mass.
Symbols associated with Saint Brigid of Ireland were carried up the aisle with the Gifts by members of the LAOH and presented to Father Fox who placed them on the altar.