HAZLETON  – After serving more than 11,000 people in the greater Hazleton area in 2023, Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton is looking for the support of its community to keep its mission going locally.

Donations to the ‘Century Club 2024’ are now being accepted. This year’s theme is Caring Hearts, Stronger Communities. Since 1982, the annual membership campaign has solicited support for the programs of Catholic Social Services of Greater Hazleton.

“We are grateful for the response from the community to this campaign which is so vital to the support and continuation of the services offered through Catholic Social Services of Greater Hazleton,” Sue Farley, Advisory Board President, said.

A community agency and member of the Greater Hazleton United Way, Catholic Social Services reaches out to those in need, providing basic needs and programs supporting young adults with mental health concerns.

In 2023, Catholic Social Services in Hazleton served the community through the following programs:

  • Saint Joseph’s Food Pantry provided assistance to 5,369 individuals
  • Divine Providence Emergency Shelter helped house 229 individual clients
  • Relief Assistance Program helped 5,610 individuals experiencing emergencies
  • Maternal Health Programming had 200 appointments providing young families with material assistance for their babies but also emotional and educational support
  • Bridge to Independence Program assisted 10 young adults with a mental health diagnosis (age 18-26) with life skills enabling them to live independently and attain self-sufficiency
  • Christmas Gifts for Kids Program helped 302 families with presents for the holiday season

Catholic Social Services opened in Hazleton in 1939 during the Great Depression to help alleviate insecurity of food and basic necessities and 89 years later it continues to address these concerns. For this reason, the ‘Century Club’ is an essential part of providing the funding necessary to serve the community.  Catholic Social Services serves all people in the community regardless of age, gender, race, economic situation, or religious affiliation.

“Poverty continues to grow in the Hazleton area and Catholic Social Services could not do what we do for those in need without the community support,” Danielle Matarella, Director of Catholic Social Services of Greater Hazleton, explained. “We are so grateful to be located in a strong community with so many caring hearts.”

Membership in the ‘Century Club’ may be at any level or one may choose among the following designations: Diamond – $1,000; Platinum- $750; Gold- $500; Silver – $250; Century – $100. All contributions are tax deductible and will remain in the Hazleton community to help meet the needs of those who seek services. Gifts may be designated as a memorial or in honor of a friend and loved one.

For more information regarding Catholic Social Services’ programs or ‘Century Club’ 2024, please contact us at (570) 455-1521 or visit us online at www.dioceseofscranton.org.