SCRANTON – The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, will celebrate the Diocesan Scouts Mass on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

All scouts and their families are invited to attend the liturgy which will recognize the value of scouting.

During the Mass, three scouts are expected to receive the Pope Pius XII medal. The emblem for this award reflects the ideal of the youth’s growing awareness of the Word of God as well as the scouts place in the world.

Seven scouts will also receive the Ad Altare Dei medal, which centers on the Sacraments and equips the scout to take their place as a maturing Catholic.

At Saint Catherine of Siena Parish in Moscow, the value of scouting was also recognized recently as members of BSA Troop 132, Troop 1132 and Pack 126 participated in their annual Scout Sunday Service. Father Thomas M. Muldowney and Deacon Frank Zeranski are pictured at the right with the scouts that attended the Mass.