SAYRE – As dioceses around the country begin a multi-year National Eucharistic Revival, parishioners of Epiphany Parish wasted no time in putting their faith on full display.
On Saturday, June 25, 2022, more than 100 people participated in a Eucharistic Procession that began inside the Bradford County church and went down Elmer Avenue to Howard Elmer Park where three altars were set up to honor the Blessed Mother Mary, Saint Joseph and the Precious Blood of Jesus.
“When we first talked about doing this, we were all very excited that we were going to have the opportunity to present this to the community, to walk outdoors with our Lord in the monstrance and share that experience with people in the community,” parishioner Kate Gabb said.
“It is a wonderful thing, as far as letting the community see that Jesus is real. That is what we celebrate in Corpus Christi, His real presence in the Blessed Sacrament,” parishioner Patricia Reid added.
The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton; Rev. Daniel A. Toomey, Pastor, Epiphany Parish; and Rev. Jose Joseph Kuriappilly, Assistant Pastor, Epiphany Parish, led the Eucharistic Procession.
“Eucharistic processions are such a blessing to the area, to the parish boundaries, to the community,” Father Toomey explained. “People that are not Catholic may not have an awareness of it but those who are Catholic know this is us reaching out to the community.”
On a warm, sunny afternoon, the procession did get numerous onlookers, especially since there was another large community event taking place in Sayre on the same day.
“I’m hoping we can do this every year,” Reid said.
The Catholic Community of the Epiphany in Sayre has a long tradition of celebrating the Real Presence of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. The parish just marked 30 years of Eucharistic Adoration at its perpetual adoration chapel. The chapel opened on Holy Saturday, April 18, 1992.
“We are so blessed to have this here. We have so many people from different walks of life that come and worship,” Gabb explained. “It is such a peaceful time, for one hour, to spend in the presence of the Lord. We encourage as many people as we can, all the time, to come and join us.”
“I feel like it’s the heartbeat of this parish, just having the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, we’ve been very blessed to have it for 30 years,” Reid explained.
During the procession, the faithful joined in singing Immaculate Mary, The Table of Plenty and Gift of Finest Wheat. As they returned to Epiphany Parish, the faithful sang Amazing Grace.
Upon returning to the church, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was offered.
Calling the Eucharistic Procession “beautiful,” Bishop Bambera said it served as a great witness to our world.
“We seek to rejuvenate the appreciation and the depth of the gift that we’ve been given of the Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We give thanks for that. What a powerful witness that is to our world, as simple as it may seem. Never underestimate the power of your lives coming to pray before the Blessed Sacrament and walking in a simple procession to remind our world of the heart of our belief as Catholic Christians, that we do not walk alone but Jesus walks with us, in one another and most especially in this great gift,” Bishop Bambera said.