SCRANTON – The annual Saint Patrick’s Parade Day Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. this Saturday, March 9, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton. All are welcome to attend.

The liturgy is traditionally held in conjunction with the city of Scranton’s annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. Following the Mass, the Saint Patrick’s Parade is expected to take to the streets of the Electric City beginning at 11:45 a.m.
The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, will serve as principal celebrant. Various priests from the Diocese of Scranton are expected to concelebrate the Mass.
The Mass will be broadcast live on CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton and will be rebroadcast several times the following week. It will also be available for viewing on the Diocese of Scranton’s YouTube Channel.
This year marks the 62nd Anniversary of the Saint Patrick’s Parade in Scranton.