The Knights of Columbus JFK Council #5517 of St. Michael’s Parish, Canton, Pa., conducted a maternity item drive during the month of December to benefit the Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center’s Canton branch. The item drive is part of a featured program of the Knights of Columbus called ASAP or Aid and Support After Pregnancy. Through the ASAP initiative the national Knights of Columbus have thus far donated more than 1,745 ultrasound machines nationwide valued at over $80 million dollars and last year exceeded $6 million dollars in donations going entirely to pregnancy centers and maternity homes.

The Knights of Columbus of St. Michael’s are pleased to present the maternity items donated by the parishioners and friends of the parish in support of the Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center’s efforts to serve women and babies, both born and unborn. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their life saving work to care for the most vulnerable. The Knights will continue to be there for mothers and their children and we continue to proclaim the dignity of every human life.