Pre-Lenten Bake Sale

18feb5:00 pmPre-Lenten Bake Sale

Event Details

  The Women of St. Lucy’s Altar & Rosary Society will celebrate Mardi  Gras, by holding a “Pre- Lenten Mardi Gras Bake Sale” on Saturday, February 18th, before and after 4 P.M. Mass and Sunday, February 19th, before and after the 9 AM Mass. The Bake Sale will have homemade Italian baked goods, as well as other tasty and sweet treats of breads, cakes, cookies and pastries. An added feature will be a chance to win a “Magnifico Italiano” basket, filled with a plethora of Italian foods, liquors and gift certificates. St. Lucy’s is located at 949 Scranton St., West Scranton.  Rev.  Sam Ferretti is Pastor, assisted by Deacon Carmine Mendicino.   All are invited to stop by.  



February 18, 2023 5:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Saint Lucy Church

949 Scranton Street

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