Event Details
Family Fun Day at Knoebels
As part of our Year of the Family observance, the Office for Parish Life is sponsoring a Family Fun
Day at Knoebels Amusement Resort on Saturday, September 18th. Groups or individuals are welcome to enjoy all that Knoebels has to offer from 12pm to 8pm and take advantage of our discounted ticket offer! You can choose from a Lunch and Ride Package ($25 per person includes a bagged lunch and $20 worth of ride tickets) or a Discounted Tickets Only option ($20 worth of ride tickets for $17). Regardless of the package
you choose, you are welcome to take advantage of our reserved pavilion for lunch or to simply gather with your family and friends. To purchase tickets by credit card, visit www.dioceseofscranton.org. To order and pay by check, call (570)207-2213 ext. 1155. All orders must be paid in advance.