april 2023

28aprAll DayDiocese Of Erie Hosts Relics Of Blessed Carlo Acutis And St. Manuel In May


Event Details

  A relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis — author of the Eucharistic Miracle website as well as the first millennial to be beatified — will be available for veneration at several locations in the Diocese of Erie beginning May 23. In addition, a relic of St. Manuel González García, known as the Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle, will be included in this event offered as part of the national Eucharistic Revival. All are invited to take advantage of this inspirational opportunity before the relics leave the United States to continue their global tour in the coming weeks. Find dates, locations and times for public veneration at www.eriercd.org/relics.html. For information on group visits, please contact amwelsh@eriercd.org.


All Day (Friday)


Diocese of Erie