Cornhole Event

23apr11:00 amCornhole Event

Event Details

Cornhole Event at Gate of Heaven Gymnasium has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 23 starting at 11:00 and will run through the afternoon.  Registrations will be from 10-11:00 a.m. that morning and the cost is $50/team (2 persons).  Each team will have at least 2 matches as it is double elimination. There are 2 classes of teams: Competitive and Social.  Prizes will be given to winners.  Refreshments will be available for purchase during this exciting day of friendly competition. The event is being sponsored by the Knights of Columbus to raise funds for this year's Coats For Kids campaign. Advance registration will be appreciated by email to  Questions could be directed to Bill Leandri at 570-417-1212.



April 23, 2022 11:00 am(GMT+00:00)


Gate of Heaven Church

40 Machell Ave.

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