Event Details
There will be a special Celebration of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Blessing of a processional platform honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary on October 11, 2020 at Prince of Peace Parish, Old Forge, Pa. after the 10 AM Sunday Mass. For further information you may call Fr. August Ricciardi at Prince of Peace Parish, 570-457-5900.
There will be a PATRON BOOK FOR ANY BUSINESS OR PERSON WISHING TO PARTICIPATE. Ad Size are: Full page $100, half page $50, Quarter Page $25. If someone would like to offer a memorial AD for a loved one they may do so with a $10 Memorial donation. Please make checks payable to “Knights of Columbus Council #5940”.
Our Mission as Knights of Columbus during this time of Pandemic is to continue to Change Lives and Save Lives through the program of “Leave No Neighbor Behind”. Knights can serve and help our neighbors during this COVID – 19 crisis by reaching out and relying on the prayer of the Rosary of our Blessed Virgin Mother. Please contact Robert Pagnotti, Grand Knight @ 570-604-4961 or Paul Chromey @ 570-235-1738 for further information.