Benedicta Enrichment Seminar: The Science of Weakness: A Journey into the Life and Teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux

20julAll Day21Benedicta Enrichment Seminar: The Science of Weakness: A Journey into the Life and Teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux

Event Details

Benedicta Enrichment Seminar: The Science of Weakness: A Journey into the Life and Teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux Thursday, July 20, 8am - 7pm and Friday, July 21, 8am - 2pm Malvern Retreat House - McShain-Horstmann Family Life Center 315 S. Warren Avenue Malvern, PA 19355 Benedicta Enrichment Seminar: "The Science of Weakness: A Journey into the Life and Teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux" Malvern Retreat House Thursday, July 20, 8am - 7pm ET Friday, July 21, 8am - 2pm ET The legacy of St. Therese of Lisieux was not carved out of heroic martyrdom or great deeds on the world stage. Instead, her legacy is all about what great things the Lord can do with even the simplest souls. Join us as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Flower of Lisieux with a special Benedicta Enrichment Seminar entitled, “The Science of Weakness: A Journey into the Life and Teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux.” Presented by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS, this series of five conferences is based on the writings of St. Therese, various Theresian scholars, and documentation from the beatification and canonization processes that reveal fascinating details about her life, her loves, and the weaknesses that spawned her Little Way of Spiritual Childhood. Only by stripping away the gossamer veils that too often hide the humanness of the Little Flower can devotees fully appreciate the origins of the teachings of her Little Way and how we too can turn our weaknesses into strengths! THURSDAY, JULY 20 8:00 AM Breakfast and Registration 9:30 AM Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM 10:15 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:30 AM First Conference: Marie-Francois Therese Martin: A Study in Weakness Susan Brinkmann, OCDS This conference will center upon little-known facts about the life of Therese and how her unusual upbringing shaped her view of the world and the faith. 11:30 AM Reflection 12:00 PM LUNCH 1:30 PM Second Conference: Theresian Humility: Finding Strength in Weakness Susan Brinkmann, OCDS This conference explores how Therese’s weaknesses inspired the formation of the Little Way. Through her acquisition of true humility and growth in poverty of spirit, Therese teaches us how to confront, accept, and even love our weaknesses, so that we can allow the grace of God to transform them into strengths. 2:30 PM Reflection 3:00 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM 3:30 PM Third Conference: Theresian Mortification: Suffering for Love Susan Brinkmann, OCDS This conference looks at how Therese’s endearing habit of “scattering flowers” of little mortifications performed with great love can help us to turn our everyday suffering into a powerful force for spiritual growth. 4:30 PM Reflection 5:30 PM DINNER 6:30 PM Discussion 7:00 PM Closing FRIDAY, JULY 21 8:00 AM Breakfast 9:00 AM Fourth Conference: Theresian Confidence: Taking Jesus by His Heart Susan Brinkmann, OCDS This conference celebrates the most cherished hallmark of the Little Flower of Lisieux – her indomitable confidence in God – all of which sprang from her reliance on the virtue of hope. 10:00 AM Reflection 10:30 AM Fifth Conference: Theresian Surrender: Abandonment to God Susan Brinkmann, OCDS In this conference we study Therese’s love for the present moment where she lived in the constant company of God and found all the grace she needed to confront the challenges of the day. Participants will learn to do the same and discover a thoroughly Catholic form of “mindfulness” that will lead them closer to God. 11:30 AM Reflection 12:00 PM LUNCH 1:00 PM Afternoon Tea with Therese! 2:30 PM Closing Event Information: COST: $295 includes accommodations for 2 nights and 5 meals ($235 Wednesday arrival) LOCATION: Malvern Retreat House in the McShain-Horstmann Family Life Center 315 S Warren Avenue, Malvern, PA 19355 CONTACT: Women of Grace 800-558-5452 REGISTER HERE:



July 20, 2023 - July 21, 2023 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)


Malvern Retreat House in the McShain-Horstmann Family Life Center 315 S Warren Avenue, Malvern, PA

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