LAFLIN – Dozens of people gathered at Saint Maria Goretti Parish on April 4 to celebrate the beginning of the Easter season by adoring Christ in the Eucharist and praising Him for the gift of faith.
The Diocese of Scranton Vocations Office and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Scranton teamed up to sponsor the inaugural ‘Festival of Praise.’

“It was an absolutely incredible event,” Matthew Kelly, a parishioner of Saint Gregory Parish in Clarks Green, said. “I look forward to many events like the Festival of Praise to connect with other Catholics, because especially now in today’s world, young Catholics in the Church are always looking for something greater than ourselves.”
Beautiful music, led by Joel Kankiewicz and the Charismatic Renewal’s music ministry, was a signature part of the event.
Kyra Krzywicki, Vocation Program Coordinator for the Diocese of Scranton, also gave a reflection on the goodness of God, the power of discerning his will, and his everlasting love.
“I really prayed in preparing this speech that the Lord would pierce hearts and speak to them a unique message for each person here,” she said. “Looking out at their faces during the talk, it’s really powerful to see how the Lord is affecting people through you. I know that none of it is me, it’s all Him!”
Krzywicki’s message really touched Joni Host, a parishioner of Holy Name of Mary Parish in Montrose, who attended the event.
“The speech that Kyra gave tonight really resonated with me. The idea of praise, giving forth praise to God at all times, first and last, is such an important thing. I really liked the message,” Host said.
Host said the ‘Festival of Praise’ was filled with people, both young and old, who have a passion and zeal for the Catholic faith. She said that was “encouraging to see.”
“I think it’s really important to strengthen each other, iron sharpens iron, and then to go forth into the world and bring Christ’s Good News,” she added.
Kelly agreed with that sentiment.
“Everybody here tonight might be going through something personally, whether it be hope, sadness, sorrow or joy, but we’re all here together as one,” he said. “We have so many differences but at the end of the day, we share one similarity, we worship the same God and the same Christ!”