“Following Jesus demands a good dose of courage. Take the path of the ‘craziness’ of our God, who teaches us to encounter him in the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick, the friend in trouble, the prisoner, the refugee and the migrant, and our neighbors who feel abandoned.”
+Pope Francis
What is Diocese of Scranton Serves?
A challenge for individuals to serve our sisters and brothers who are in need throughout the Diocese of Scranton. This effort is being sponsored by the Diocesan Offices for Parish Life and Vocations in place of the Fall Diocesan Day of Service. It will take place from October through December 2020. This page will serve as a resource for individuals, parish groups, school groups, etc. We will update service opportunities as they become available. We will keep a log of the number of participants, hours spent volunteering, nonprofits served, and collect pictures throughout.
Q. What nonprofit organizations need help right now? Friends of the Poor- Scranton Food giveaways in October. See flyers for details. Volunteers are needed to help with set up, staging food on tables, filling food bags, placing food bags in vehicles and clean up. We could use 10 volunteers per shift. The first shift is 1-3:30 p.m. and second shift is 3:30 – 6 p.m. All volunteers must wear closed toed shoes. Masks are mandatory and are provided if needed. Gloves are not mandatory but are provided if needed. Volunteer help is also needed at our Jackson Terrace Pantry in West Scranton, 148 Meridian Avenue. Please see attached flyer. They are looking for two (2) volunteers on Mondays, two (2) volunteers for Tuesday, and two (2) volunteers for Thursday. All shifts are 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The pantry is closed on Wednesday’s in support of our off-site food distributions. We have a full staff of volunteers for the Friday shift. Our greatest need is for volunteers on Tuesday and Thursday. All interested persons should contact me: Ann Montoro Williams at 570-340-6086 or via email at development@fotp-ihm.org or friendsofthepoor@fotp-ihm.org. CEO (Commission on Economic Opportunity) Ceopeoplehelpingpeople.org IHM Center – Scranton The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are partnering with the MILLIONTREES PROJECT to help grow and plant one million+ trees. A couple dozen trees will be planted at the IHM Center on the campus of Marywood University (1512 University Ave, Dunmore, PA 18509) throughout the fall. The Million Trees Project was initiated in 2007 to help further our mission to protect, preserve and restore the natural environment of our nation’s major rivers and their watersheds. Their mission is to not only clean up the riverways but to also enhance the watershed by planting native trees and removing invasive plants. MillionTrees Project Goals Re-establish native, nut-bearing, hardwood trees along waterways and within communities Provide shelter and a viable food source for wildlife and migratory birds Increase biodiversity Help reduce erosion and run-off Improve water and air quality Mitigate the impacts of climate change Create awareness regarding the value of planting native hardwoods How you can help: Individuals or groups of up to eight can contact Sr. Donna Korba at korbad@sistersofhim.org to coordinate a day and time to serve. Ruth’s Place- Wilkes-Barre Homeless shelter for women Projects available: clean kitchen, straighten up the storage closet, host a Bingo Night, plan a dinner night, plan a Movie night Any day between 9am-9pm Maximum group of 8 volunteers. For more information, contact Sally Demeck at 570-822-6017 Q. How do I submit my participation? Once you have volunteered, please complete the appropriate form below: Q. How can I be of service from my home? We understand with the global pandemic not everyone might be comfortable with going out to nonprofit organizations to volunteer. There are plenty of ways you can be of service from home: o Write cards to homebound parishioners o Write cards to those in nursing homes o Go through your closet(s) and donate items o Send a surprise takeout meal to a family/individual in need o Reach out to someone who you know is alone, etc. Q: How can I get my nonprofit organization listed on this website? We welcome any nonprofit organization to submit to us the days, times and projects they have available for volunteers. You can email Shannon-Kowalski@dioceseofscranton.org or Dominick-Costantino@dioceseofscranton.org and it will be placed on this website. Q. Where did Day of Service participants serve the past three years? Southern Region– CEO, Catholic Youth Center, Dorothy Day Worker Farm, Habitat for Humanity, Ruth’s Place, Saint John’s Care and Concern Clinic, Saint Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen Northern Region– IHM Center, Lackawanna River, Nay Aug Park, Saint Francis Soup Kitchen, Saint Joseph’s Center Eastern Region– Garden of Giving, Habitat for Humanity, Notre Dame High School, Saint Matthew Parish, Shepherd’s Maternity, Stony Acres Western Region– Expectations, Family Promise, Sojourner Truth, SPCA, Williamsport Cemetery Q. Can I order a T-shirt for myself or my group? If there is enough interest, T-shirts will be ordered. The cost per shirt will be $20 and the proceeds from this fundraiser will go to Catholic Social Services as another form of service to help our sisters and brothers in need. If you and/or your group would be interested in ordering T-shirts, please contact Shannon Kowalski at Shannon-Kowalski@dioceseofscranton.org. Q. Who do I contact if I have a question? Shannon Kowalski, Diocesan Director of Service and Mission – Shannon-Kowalski@dioceseofscranton.org Dominick Costantino, Vocation Program Coordinator- Dominick-Costantino@dioceseofscranton.org
COVID-19 Emergency Food Relief
Monday-Friday 9AM-4PM
Saturdays 9AM-Noon