If we want to be effective in leading people to a life-giving relationship with Christ, we need to be formed and trained in how to do it.

relit: The Heart of Evangelization is an exciting and integrated set of talks which will form you theologically, spiritually, and practically to be an active evangelist in the Church.

relit will not only renew your personal call as a Catholic, but will also equip you to support your parish in leading others to renewal in the Holy Spirit.

Unleash your parish’s potential

helps you take a step back to look at your parish life and ministries with a new perspective. You will learn how to take the good work you are already doing and discover how to be more effective. Even seemingly everyday events, like offering coffee and donuts, can be transformed into opportunities to evangelize!

Meet people where they are

teaches practical approaches to effectively lead individuals closer to Christ.

Date: July 29-30, 9am-4pm

Location: Diocesan Pastoral Center 330 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton

Presenter Michael Dopp is the founder of Mission of the Redeemer Ministries and the New Evangelization Summit.

Individual: $95   l   Group: $250 (unlimited participants)
* Registration fee includes lunch & materials

Register at bit.ly/relit2022

For more information, contact: Mary Hallman (570) 207-2238 mhallman@dioceseofscranton.org