The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the source and summit and life of the Catholic Church, as well as the sacrament of unity among Christ, its head, and his members. Through the invocation of the Holy Spirit and Christ’s words of Institution, bread and wine become the sacramental Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
This sacrament is seen as the culmination of the Sacraments of Initiation, although for various reasons the reception of Sacrament of Confirmation for the youth has been moved to the age of adolescence. Children who are baptized in the Catholic faith typically receive First Holy Communion around the age of reason (7 years old).
Resurrection, MuncySaint John the Baptist, LarksvilleHoly Family, LuzerneHoly Family Saint IgnatiusSaint John the Evangelist, HonesdaleSaint Mary, DorranceFirst Row – Henry O’Donnell, Madalyn Latona, Lilyana Piechota and Santino Sanguedolce Second Row – Luca Giambra, Caeli Walsh, Emily Barber and Connor Yonki Third Row – Sister Mary Ann Cody, Father Kenneth Seegar and Erin BufogleSaint Elizabeth Ann Seton, SwoyersvilleSaint Robert Bellarmine, Wilkes-Barre
Saint Faustina Kowalska, Nanticoke
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Hanover Township
Christ the King, Archbald
Most Holy Trinity, Cresco
Saint Michael, Scranton
Saint Thomas More, Lake Ariel
Saint Maria Goretti, Laflin
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Dunmore
Saints Peter & Paul, Towanda
Our Lady of the Snows, Clarks Summit
Saint John Vianney, Scott Township
Saint Monica, West Wyoming
Saint John Neumann, Lords Valley
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Peckville
Queen of the Apostles, Avoca
Most Precious Blood & Queen of Heaven, Hazleton
Holy Cross, Olyphant
Blessed Sacrament, ThroopSaint John the Evangelist, Pittston
Saint Paul, Scranton
Saint Catherine of Siena, Moscow
Saints Peter & Paul, Plains
Saint Rose of Lima, Carbondale
Saint Rose of Lima, Carbondale 2
Saint Robert Bellarmine, Wilkes-Barre
Saint Paul, Scranton
Saint Patrick, Milford
Saint Eulalia, Roaring Brook Township
Saint Eulalia, Roaring Brook Township
Saint Eulalia, Roaring Brook Township
Saint Brigid, Friendsville
Saint Boniface & Saint Lawrence, Williamsport
Saint Ann, Williamsport
Saint Ann Basilica, Scranton
Saint Andrew, Wilkes-Barre
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Dupont
Queen of the Apostles, Avoca
Queen of Peace, Brodheadsville 2
Queen of Peace, Brodheadsville 1
Our Lady of Victory, Harveys Lake
Our Lady of the Abingtons, Saint Mary of the Lake & Saint Patrick