Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
2011 State Route 29, Hunlock Creek, PA 18621 | |
www.olmcsilkworth.com | |
(570) 477-5040 | |
(570) 477-3040 | |
olmchc@gmail.com | |
1923 |
- Reverend Brian F. Van Fossen V.F. – Pastor
- Reverend James R. Nash – Pastor Emeritus
- Reverend Richard Gyansah-Tabiri – Assistant Pastor
- Deacon Eugene Blockus
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Worship Sites

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
2011 State Route 29
Hunlock Creek, PA 18621
Hunlock Creek, PA 18621
Mass Times
8:30am 11:00am |
8:30am | |
8:30am | |
8:30am | |
5:30pm |
Reconciliation Times
(By Appointment) | |
4:00pm |