As part of its 39ᵗʰ annual prayer breakfast on Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 9 AM at
Fiorelli’s, Pennsylvanians For Human Life Scranton Chapter will feature the Most Reverend Joseph C.
Bambera, Geri Featherby, and Peter DiMaio as its speakers. The focus of this year’s breakfast is
“Educating Our Youth,” with students kindergarten through college admitted free of charge.
“We have taken a new direction with our breakfast this year. Our dynamic speakers will highlight
what’s happening in the pro-life movement with emphasis on how things are affecting our youth. In
fact, in order to attract more people, we have lowered the ticket price from $55 to $25 per adult,
with students free. We are looking forward to seeing a sea of young people,” states Patrick
Williams, President of Pennsylvanians For Human Life Scranton Chapter.
To reserve, simply go to, call
570-343-5099, or email