St. Katharine Drexel Parish Life and Ministry:
- Music Ministry : Small choir each church – sings every Sunday of the year
- Schedule for Mass, Sacraments, Devotions:
Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday at 9:00 AM at St. James Church
Vigil: Saturday 5:30 PM at St. James Church
Sunday 8:00 AM at St. Juliana Church
Sunday 11:00 AM at St. James Church
Holy Days: Vigil at 5:30 PM at St. James Church; Holy Day at 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM at St. Joseph Church, Forest City
First Communion – Yearly in May
Confirmation – Annually, combined with Ascension Parish at St. Joseph Church
- Parish Pastoral Council: Very active. Pastoral Plan has been developed; goals written. Coordinating Teams being formed currently. Energetic, creative, faithful members. Very supportive of the pastor and passionate about pastoral planning and bring goals and expectations to fruition.
- Parish Finance Council (status of development and function)
Meet as needed or quarterly – review monthly reports, approve spending, projects - Parish Stewardship Council: Newly formed after participation in Diocesan Stewardship Council formation. Assists with parish stewardship formation. Planning has been for this council to work in tandem with the Parish’s Pastoral and Finance Council.
- RCIA and Adult Faith Formation:
RCIA: As needed
We have a weekly Bible study for adults. - Parish Religious Education for Children and Youth:
9:45 AM at St. James Church and Rectory
CCD – Grades 1-8 - Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Current priority of Parish Pastoral Council
- Marriage Support and Enrichment: Pastor engages in the formation of married couples. Priority of Pastoral Council to plan for more engaged group to mentor young couples.
- Parish Service and Social Concerns
Social Justice – The parish St. Vincent DePaul Fund provides assistance when requested – administered by Pastor and shared with Ascension Parish - Welcome/Hospitality/Fellowship: Current priority of Parish Pastoral Council
- Women’s and Men’s Organization: Both parishes are actively involved in both the leadership of the Diocesan Men’s and Women’s Conferences. Both parishes average over a dozen participants annually.
Ascension Parish Life and Ministry
- Music Ministry: Professional musician directs choir which sings each Sunday throughout the year
- Schedule for Mass, Sacraments, Devotions:
St. Joseph Church
Weekday Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 AM
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday Mass: 9:30 AM
Holy Days: Vigil at 5:30 PM at St. James Church; Holy Day at 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM at St. Joseph Church
First Communion – Yearly in May
Confirmation – Annually, combined with St. Katharine Drexel Parish, at St. Joseph Church
- Parish Pastoral Council: Very active. Pastoral Plan has been developed; goals written. Coordinating Teams being formed currently. Energetic, creative, faithful members. Very supportive of the pastor and passionate about pastoral planning and bring goals and expectations to fruition.
- Parish Finance Council
Meet as needed or quarterly – review monthly reports, approve spending, projects - Parish Stewardship Council: Newly formed after participation in Diocesan Stewardship Council formation. Assists with parish stewardship formation. Planning has been for this council to work in tandem with the Parish’s Pastoral and Finance Council.
- RCIA and Adult Faith Formation:
RCIA: As needed
We have a weekly Bible study for adults. - Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Current priority of Parish Pastoral Council
- Marriage Support and Enrichment: Pastor engages in the formation of married couples. Priority of Pastoral Council to plan for more engaged group to mentor young couples.
- Parish Service and Social Concerns
Social Justice – The parish St. Vincent DePaul Fund provides assistance when requested – administered by Pastor and shared with Ascension Parish
Cub Scout Meetings meet once a week in the Lower Level of the Parish Office
Salvation Army uses Sacred Heart Hall once a month for a food distribution to the community
Salvation Army uses Sacred Heart Hall in December to store and distribute Christmas gifts to the community - Welcome/Hospitality/Fellowship: Current priority of Parish Pastoral Council
- Women’s and Men’s Organization: Both parishes are actively involved in both the leadership of the Diocesan Men’s and Women’s Conferences. Both parishes average over a dozen participants annually.