St. Eulalia Parish, Roaring Brook Township
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday 4 p.m.; Sunday: 8:00 a.m.; 10:05 a.m.; 11:30 a.m.
Daily Mass Schedule: Monday through Thursday at 8:00 a.m.
In case of inclement weather, the parish follows the local school district policy: A 2 hour delay of school indicates a two hour Mass delay (10:30 a.m.) In case of cancelation, Mass is celebrated privately. This has allowed for a safe attendance at morning Mass during the winter months with regard to roads, parking lot etc
Holy Day Mass Schedule:
Vigil Mass at 5:30 p.m. Holy Day Mass at 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Saturdays at 3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. / Any time by appointment
Friday evenings during Lent (before/after Stations of the Cross)
2 Family Penance Services per year during Advent and Lent
Music Ministry:
The music ministry at St. Eulalia’s parish is on its way to becoming one of the best in the Diocese of Scranton. The parish is blessed with many gifted and talented parishioners who volunteer their time and their talent to the music ministry. We have music at every weekend liturgy and holy day of obligation with an organist/pianist and a cantor. The remodeling and addition to the church complex over the past year also included renovations to the choir loft which has totally transformed the worship space for the musicians. The improvements now enable the choir to have risers so they can see and participate in the mass more easily and also created a space for the numerous instrumentalists that lend their talents to the weekend liturgies. The blessing of many young families at St. Eulalia’s and a wonderful music program in the North Pocono School District also lends itself to the start of a wonderful children’s choir with many young children becoming actively involved in the music ministry. Parishioners are always welcome to join the choir and sing at whatever weekend liturgy that they choose to attend. The main purpose and goal of the music ministry is always to enable the congregation to feel welcome and comfortable with good uplifting and prayerful liturgies. We strive for “full, conscious and active participation” from the assembly and realize that it is our goal and responsibility to make the liturgies at St. Eulalia’s prayerful, energetic and uplifting.
Parish Pastoral Council:
18 members meet monthly to conduct parish business.
Parish Finance Council:
Meets regularly with the Parish Council and in committee to address any/all financial areas of concern.
RCIA: St. Eulalia’s welcomes all those interested in our Catholic faith. We work in a very personal style with each interested individual and structure a program and process suited to the needs of each person while incorporating the full experience of the Roman Catholic Christian community of faith. Our adaptation of the RCIA program has proven very successful in our parish community
Parish Religious Education for Children and Youth:
St. Eulalia’s has a vibrant and active Religious Education program from September through May each year. The weekly time frame of the program allows for attendance at either the 8:00 a.m. or the 10:05 a.m. Sunday liturgy. Class Masses are scheduled by grade to allow for full participation in the celebration. The Religious Education schedule is as follows:
Kindergarten: Meets every Sunday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Children in this age group are taught basic steps of faith formation, building off their parents as the first teachers of the faith. Dismissal is at 9: 45 a.m. so as to allow for a smooth transition to their parents before the remainder of classes are dismissed.
1st-5th grades: Meet every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in assigned classrooms. Sacramental preparation is on a two year cycle beginning in First Grade with reception in 2nd grade. Second Grade children receive First Penance in December and Fist Communion in May.
6th – 8th grades:
Meet every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in assigned classrooms. Our middle school program is an expansion of our basic elementary catechetical program. We continue to work to build a dynamic basis of faith as the students enter the two year preparation program for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
St. Eulalia’s has a robust youth ministry program and active parish youth involvement. Our youth group meets weekly for students in grades 6-12 for social, service, and spiritual programming, including multi-generational and cross-ministry participation. Highlights of our youth programming include the annual summer lunch bag program, where the St. Eulalia’s parish community and youth group collect non-perishable donations and package over 1,000 nutritional brown lunch bags for the North Pocono Food Pantry. In its sixth year, the summer lunch bag program benefits families with children who receive free or reduced lunch during the school year to help alleviate the financial burden of not receiving school provided lunches during the summer months. Our youth group has also organized and participated in social justice social service trips, annual overnight trips to the March for Life, and enthusiastic participation in the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) with 15 high school participants attending the most recent conference in 2017. Along with parish programming, our youth group is immersed in Diocesan programming, including active participation in ISLI, Up & Over, World Youth Day, Quo Vadis, and Light the Fire Rally.
Marriage Support and Enrichment
Both personal and group opportunities are available to the members of the parish community. In addition, diocesan events are always advertised and parishioners are encouraged to attend.
Parish Service and Social Concerns
The goal of the Social Concerns Committee of St. Eulalia’s is to provide comfort to the needy of our parish community. Through our ongoing outreach programs we coordinate the collection and delivery of food measured in tons annually to the North Pocono Food Pantry which serves 200 local families. In the spring we collect cleaning supplies for the McAuley House in Scranton as well as baby supplies for St. Joseph’s Baby Pantry. We host receptions after the Bring Your Baby Back Mass in January and after the Mass for our Dearly Departed in November. We offer rides to local appointments for those who can’t drive and at Christmas and Easter we purchase and deliver poinsettias and tulips to the sick and shut in of our parish family. Hundreds of Christmas gifts are collected, sorted and delivered to the children of prisoners, mothers and children at the McAuley House as well as three local nursing homes. At Halloween we assist at St. Mary Villa’s Bingo and provide prizes for each resident who plays. At our monthly meetings we remember each member of our parish family in prayer.
St. Eulalia’s provides a warm welcome to all new parishioners through a special welcome gift basket and parish visit. Fellowship opportunities are available throughout the year as we gather during Advent and Lent for coffee/prayer/conversation. In addition, fellowship opportunities are extended to the ecumenical community through various prayers services and gatherings. The Social Committee of St. Eulalia’s hosts several gatherings and celebrations throughout the year.
Women’s and Men’s Organization: None in particular. As an inclusive community, all organizations and committees are open to mixed membership. These can be viewed on our parish website.
Please visit our parish website: along with our parish Facebook page for additional information and photos