St. Ann Parish, Williamsport


  • Sunday 7:30AM, 9:45AM*, 11:30AM
    *High Mass with incense and choir
  • Monday 7:30AM
  • Tuesday 7:30AM
  • Wednesday 12:10PM
  • Thursday 7:30AM
  • Friday 7:30AM
  • Saturday 4:30PM (Vigil)
    Christmas Eve 4:00PM & 12:00AM; Christmas Day 10:00AM
    New Year’s Eve 4:00PM; New Year’s Day 10:00AM
    Ash Wednesday 7:30AM & 7:00PM Mass, 12:10PM Liturgy
    Holy Thursday 7:00PM; Good Friday 5:30PM; Easter Vigil 8:30PM
  • Holy Days of Obligation 7:30AM & 7:00PM
    *Mary, Mother of God – 10:00AM only
    *Assumption – added 10:00AM Mass in Cascade
    National Holidays 8:30AM
    (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day)
    *Memorial Day – added 10:00AM Mass in Cascade
  • First Friday in June 7:00PM Latin Mass for the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • First Friday in October 7:00PM Latin Mass for Our Lady of the Rosary

Baptism By appointment
Baptisms are routinely scheduled for the first and third Sundays of the month, either during or after the 11:30 Mass. They are also scheduled at other times depending on the particular circumstances. A Baptism class is conducted after the 11:30 Mass on the second Sunday of the month. This class provides the parents and sponsors with a deeper understanding of the Sacrament and their duties and responsibilities to raise those to be Baptized in the Faith.
Reconciliation By appointment or
Thursday 6:00-7:00PM (with Eucharistic Adoration)
First Friday after Mass
Light is On for You – Mondays in Lent 5:30-7:00PM
Eucharist First Communion – First Weekend in May
Confirmation Pentecost Weekend, or Cycle A with Bishop
Anointing of the Sick By appointment or
Healing Mass – 1st Thursday in Lent 7:00PM
2nd Thursday in September 7:00PM
Matrimony By appointment

Thursday 6:00-7:00PM (with Reconciliation) Daily* at Mary, Mother of Mercy Adoration Chapel
*working toward perpetual
Monday 6:00AM-10:00PM
Tuesday 5:00AM-8:00PM
Wednesday 5:00AM-9:00PM
Thursday 4:00AM-8:00PM
Friday 5:00AM-7:00PM
Saturday 7:00AM-4:00PM
Sunday 1:00-10:00PM

Vespers Sundays in Advent & Lent 6:00PM
Lauds Triduum 8:00AM
Compline Holy Thursday 10:45PM

Stations of the Cross Fridays in Lent 7:00PM
Palm Sunday Procession Palm Sunday 9:45AM Mass
Divine Mercy Liturgy Divine Mercy Sunday After 11:30AM Mass
Corpus Christi Procession Corpus Christi Sunday After 11:30AM Mass
Recitation of the Rosary Before Saturday 4:30PM Mass & Sunday 7:30AM Mass

July 17th Opening Vespers
July 18th – 24th Novena Prayers (over weekend, prayers done after each Mass)
*Parish Mission may occur for some or all days of the Novena
July 25th Closing Vespers
July 26th Feast Day Mass
Parish Picnic Saturday before Feast Day

Parish Pastoral Council:
The Parish Pastoral Council was established in 2013 and has developed in different ways over the years. The PPC supports the Pastor to accomplish the Mission, and to achieve the Vision. The PPC meets monthly and has 8 elected Members including the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary and 4 additional members appointed by the Pastor. The Council is looking to adjust its total number down to 8 members through means of attrition. Four of the elected Members serve as Pillar Chairpersons (Word, Worship, Community, Service). In
this capacity they coordinate directly with the Ministries within their Pillar of responsibility, represent those Ministries at PPC meetings, and provide the expertise for the Parish Pastoral Plan. In recent months the PPC has considered transitioning to a Coordinating Team model, with oversight and guidance from Diocesan Secretary for Parish Life, Catherine Butel.
Most recently, the PPC initiated the annual Ministry Fair to grow interest and enthusiasm in numerous Ministries, and the annual “VoluntOberfest” volunteer appreciation event.
The Council is also in the process of finalizing the Pastoral Plan DRAFT .

Parish Finance Council:
This Council is long-established and a well-tuned machine with a Mission “to continually manage and monitor the financial gifts given to the Church of St Ann with integrity and provide appropriate accountability to the Parish in a responsible and trustworthy manner while supporting the mission and ministry of the Parish community.” The Pastor is the President of the Council and there are 7 Members, all appointed by the Pastor, including the Chair and Secretary. The Council meets the first Monday of the middle month of each quarter to examine the execution of the previous quarter and to review the projections for the next quarter and end of year. The Council also meets in June to finalize the next fiscal year’s budget. The Council developed a two-pronged budget approach to ensure Parishioners clearly understood how their contributions and the income from the lease of the School Building are used. First, Parishioner contributions fund Church operations. Second, the lease income funds maintenance of School Building and items on the 10-year Capital Projects Plan.


  • Adoration
  • Bereavement Committee
  • Little Flower Altar Guild (Liturgical Environment)
  • Liturgical Ministers: Altar Server, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Greeter, Sacristan, and Usher
  • Liturgy Committee
  • Music Ministry: Cantor, Choir Member, Digital Worship Aid Assistant, and Instrumentalist
  • Prayer Apostolate


  • Children’s Liturgy of the Word
  • Second Sunday  High School Youth Ministry – Exciting New Experiences Regarding God & Youth
  • L.A.U.G.H. Children’s Ministry – Learning About Us, God, & Humanity
  • OCFC – Ongoing Christian Formation Committee: Adult Faith Formation, Scripture Studies, and St. Faustina Library
  • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS)


  • Bower Youth Basketball
  • Census Team
  • Hospitality Committee
  • Knights of Columbus
  • Knit Wits
  • Mom’s Group
  • Pickleball
  • Virgin Mary’s Hands Rosary Guild
  • Scouts
  • Senior Adults
  • Women’s Guild
  • Young Adult Group


  • C.A.R.E. Network – Charity Awareness & Response Empathy: Financial & Food Assistance and Parish Legislative Network
  • Communications Committee
  • Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound
  • Family Promise
  • Open Heart Ministry
  • Parish Office Volunteers: Collection Counters and Various
  • Parish Office Volunteers: Rummage Sale
  • Pet Pantry
  • Prison Ministry
  • Stewardship Committee
  • Wings of Hope Grief Support