Our Lady of the Snows, Clarks Summit
Overview of Parish:
Our Lady of the Snows Parish is a dynamic, vibrant parish with many active parishioners and ministries, including:
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Lectors
- Altar Servers
- Religious Education
- Adult Bible Study
- Hospital Visitations
- Communion to Homebound
- Bereavement Counseling
- Youth Ministry
Both church sites, Our Lady of the Snows and St Benedict, are well-maintained sites, and currently there are no serious maintenance issues. The parish has recently eliminated all debt.
Our Lady of the Snows Parish has enjoyed a partnering relationships with the Church of Saint Gregory Parish at the recommendation of the Called to Holiness and Mission process over twelve years ago. Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, our parish nurtured and participated in the partnership in many ways. Among them:
- The clergy from both parishes were sharing responsibility for all weekday Masses, funerals, OLP School Masses and Masses at local long-term care facilities;
- Daily hospital visits from OLS and CSG were done by the priests and deacons from both parishes;
- Seasonal Adult Faith Formation opportunities (e.g. Lenten Retreat) were made available to members of both parishes;
- Vacation Bible School and Advent Lessons and Carols were undertaken with the gifts and talents of both faith communities;
- The pastors from both parishes occasionally celebrated and preached at weekend Masses in the neighboring parish;
- Both pastors represented their respective parish in Deanery conversations regarding the Vision 2020 and Diocesan Blueprint
With parish leadership teams, it is time for our parishes now (along with Our Lady of the Abingtons/St. Patrick’s) to come together anew and determine what future parish life in the greater Abingtons will look like as we strive as partners to meet new opportunities for growth amidst all of the challenges of the coming decade.