A Night Under the Stars Registration Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Number of attendees Tickets ($60/00/person) Quantity Price: $60.00 Quantity Pre-order of Honey Hole Wine Options (Must be paid in advance.)Cabernet Sauvignon $14.99 Quantity Price: $14.99 Quantity Pinot Grigio $14.99 Quantity Price: $14.99 Quantity All Day Rose All Day Rose $14.99 Quantity Price: $14.99 Quantity Raspberry Peach Sangria $9.99 Quantity Price: $9.99 Quantity White Sangria $12.99 Quantity Price: $12.99 Quantity EVENT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Galaxy $1,000.00 (This includes 4 tickets to the event) Big Bear Sponsor $750 (This includes 2 tickets to the event) Ursa Major Sponsor $500(This includes 1 ticket to the event) Orion Sponsor $350 Perseus Sponsor $250 Eagle Sponsor $100 Sponsorships will receive recognition in the program booklet, and recognition at the event. Please include your business card.Total Δ