The 2018 Diocesan Annual Appeal, “The Journey Makes Us One,” has raised more than $2.2 million in gifts and pledges, bringing the campaign to 44% of the $5 million goal.
“I am grateful to so many generous supporters of the Annual Appeal for their willingness to be instruments of God’s presence in our midst as we strive to maintain safe environments for our children, restore trust and continue to live the mission of our Church in service to one another,” said Bishop Joseph C. Bambera. “This commitment brings hope and comfort to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ who depend on our Diocesan ministries to help strengthen and sustain them.”
Annual Appeal donations are restricted to be used to support five Diocesan ministries: Catholic Social Services and parish outreach programs, Catholic education in schools and parishes, clergy education and care, parish life and ministry formation and Catholic media and communications. Gifts to the Appeal are used solely to support these ministries and will not be used to defray legal fees or to fund the recently established Survivors Compensation Program.
Catholic Social Services relies on gifts to the Appeal to feed the hungry, clothe the poor and offer shelter, counseling and assistance to more than 300,000 people each year. The Appeal also funds social justice grants to parishes that support food and clothing pantries in our parishes, parish dinners for the elderly and families and outreach to prison inmates.
Our Diocesan Office of Parish Life provides a variety of programs and resources that support all aspects of life in our parish communities – liturgy and worship, community service and social concerns, formation for parish ministries and more. In response to Pope Francis, the Office of Parish Life and the Vocations Office have begun wonderful new programs to foster “The Young Church.”
Catholic Education in our schools and parishes is at the center of our commitment to pass on the faith to our children. Last year, nearly 15,000 children participated in parish religious education programs and more than 4,500 students received a quality, faith-based education in our Diocesan Catholic schools.
Appeal gifts assist our seminarians with the cost of their education and provide care for our ill and retired priests. Gifts to the Appeal also helps the Vocations Office guide men considering the priesthood.
Through The Catholic Light, Catholic Television and our Diocesan website, we offer everyone the opportunity to “hear the Good News.” Appeal donations also support the broadcast of the daily Mass and special liturgies at the Cathedral.
For more information on the Diocesan programs supported by gifts to the Annual Appeal, to view the Annual Appeal video or to make a donation online, visit Gifts may also be made by calling the Diocesan Development Office at 570-207-2250 or by sending a donation to: Diocesan Annual Appeal, 300 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, PA, 18503-1279.