Religious Emblems Overview – Boy Scouts




Emblem Age Group Time Frame
Light of Christ
For registered Tiger or Wolf Cubs of Catholic Faith. To be completed before he starts 3rd grade. Purpose of the program is to help the Cub develop a personal relationship with Jesus. It is hoped that he will come to see Jesus as a real person and friend.
grades 1 to 2 3 to 6 months
Parvuli Dei
Recognition that the  Catholic Church gives to the Cub or Webelo Scout for advancement in religious knowledge and spiritual formation. Its purpose is to help the boy become more aware of God’s presence in his daily life, especially within his home and community.
ages 7 to 10
grades 3 to 5
3 to 4 months
Ad Altare Dei
Program helps Scouts develop a fully Christian way of life. The program is organized in steps, based on the sacraments.  A retreat is required as part of the program.  These encounters with Christ are our best means towards spiritual growth.
ages 12 to 13 6 months
Pope Pius XII
This program is Catholic Scouting’s Church related ministries and vocations Program. It has the following objectives:
1.    To have the candidate examine how being a Christian affects daily life in a real world.
2.      To challenge the candidate to evaluate his or her own personal talents and abilities in light of a possible choice of lifestyle that relates in some way to belonging to and becoming increasingly more active in the Catholic Christian faith community.
3.      To give the candidate an opportunity to share faith and practice in his/her religion among peers, while receiving guidance feedback attuned to the ideals of scouting.
Males and Females
ages 13 to 17
9 to 12 months




























Religious Emblems Overview – Girl Scouts


Emblem Age Group Time Frame
Family of God
An activity series developed to complement the catechetical efforts of the parish and families with children in 2nd and 3rd grades.
ages 6 to 8 grades 2 to 3
3 to 4 months
I Live My Faith
Intended to complement the work of
formal religious education carried on
by catholic schools and parish religious
education programs. Program is action
oriented by accompanied by reflection
and sharing with parents, advisors and peers.
ages 9 to 11 grades 4 to 6 3 to 6 months
Mary, the First Disciple
Intended to complement the work of formal
religious education carried out by Catholic
Schools and parish religious education
programs. Program is action oriented in reflective action. It deals with themes which have relevance in the lives of girls working on the program.
ages 12 to 15 grades 7 to 10
9 to 12 months
Spirit Alive
Designed for Senior age level students. It will
assist them in discovering how the Holy Spirit
moves within their lives, calling them to greater participation within the church. They will examine scriptures and the Documents of the church to discover that the Spirit is alive today.
ages 16 to 18 grades 10 to 12 9 to 12 months